Über uns_schmied.edit

dr. med. Franjo Grotenhermen
Franjo Grotenhermen completed his studies in medicine and received his doctorate (Dr. medical in Cologne. His fields of activity included internal medicine, surgery and naturopathic treatment. He runs a medical practice in Steinheim (Westphalia) with a focus on therapy with cannabis and cannabinoids. Grotenhermen is Managing Director of the Working Group Cannabis as Medicine e.V. (ACM), Managing Director of the International Working Group for Cannabinoid Drugs (IACM) and author of the IACM information, which has been published fortnightly in several languages on the IACM website for more than 20 years. Grotenhermen is an employee of the Cologne nova Institute, co-owner of Endoxo GmbH (founded 2019) and Head of Scientific Committee of MYCB1 (since 2019). He received the following awards: Cannabusiness Hemp Prize 1999, IACM 2011 Special Award, ICBC 2018 Lifetime Achievement Award, Robert Newman Memorial Prize 2018 from Akzept e.V.

Stefan Noelker-Wunderwald